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Student Discount Program

Discount Ferry Tickets for NYC High School Students

NYC Ferry is happy to announce that starting on September 1, 2024, NYC High Schoolers now have the opportunity to use discounted NYC Ferry tickets on weekdays for the purpose of traveling to and from school!

To enroll in the NYC Ferry Student Discount Program, parents/guardians of eligible students must log into or create a NYC Student Account (NYCSA). 

The NYCSA portal is available for eligible parents/guardians to view information related to the child, such as transportation services provided. For information on how to create a NYCSA, visit the NYC Schools website: or reach out to your child’s school. 

Parents/guardians of NYC nonpublic and charter high school students can create a NYCSA and should reach out to their child’s school for NYCSA access information, including how they can obtain a NYC Student ID# and NYC Schools Account Creation Code (ACC). 

Within the NYCSA portal, navigate to the “transportation” tab at the top of the webpage. If the student is eligible, there should be a pop up with the NYC Ferry logo with a button to “request discount code.” Discount Codes can only be applied once within one NYC Ferry account and cannot be applied to both the App for mobile discount tickets and on the website for paper discount tickets.  

There are two ways to use the discount code to purchase discounted tickets: 

1. If you would like to purchase tickets in the NYC Ferry App, apply the unique ferry discount code assigned to your student in the NYC Ferry Promo Code tab in the App

2. If you would like to purchase paper tickets at the Wall St./Pier 11 ticketing window, enter the unique ferry discount code assigned to your student in the paper ticket application, available online below or at the Wall St./Pier 11 Ticketing window.  
Please note that:

– Student Discount Tickets are only valid for use on weekdays.
– All Student Discount Tickets will expire on August 31, 2025.
– Students must re-enroll in the program each year.

Ferry Discount Program applications may take up to 30 days to process. If it has been over 30 days since the submission of your application and you have not heard from us, please email us at: [email protected]

Student Discount Program

*This is a required field
NYC High School Student Application Form *For paper student discount tickets only.Applications for paper student discount tickets will be accepted starting August 1, 2024; however, students and/or guardians will not be able to purchase or use student discount paper tickets until September 1, 2024.