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NYC Ferry Construction Reaches 100 Days!

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November 7, 2016


The beginning of November officially marks our first notable ferry construction milestone, namely our 100 completed days of vessel construction at both of our shipyards! Currently, ten total ferries are under construction at Metal Shark (LA) and Horizon Shipbuilding (AL), where the complete fleet will be completed before arriving New York City in 2017.

After 100 days of construction, how far along are the ten Citywide Ferries?

Horizon Shipbuilding

Located in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, this shipyard completed their 100 days of construction during the week of October 31st.  They currently have six boats under construction. Horizon has a new vessel beginning construction every two weeks, so we will continue to see the number of vessels under construction grow until Horizon Shipbuilding have all ten of the vessels they are contracted to build under construction.

Being built piece by piece, the first vessel’s superstructure was placed on top of the hull Thursday 10/27 with the pilot house was erected the first week of November. With these exciting visual milestones being reached, the first few vessels are now beginning to look more like complete ferries, and it is easy to be wowed by their massive size!

Metal Shark Boats

Metal Shark is currently amidst the project of building four Citywide Ferries at their second yard in Franklin, Louisiana. Having reached the first 100 days of construction, the shipyard’s four ferries currently under construction have all reached their own milestones, showing the steps of construction – from the first stages of framework to gaining their pilot house.

So far, the first ferry has 95% of its superstructure welding completed and it is fit with its completed main deck house and pilot house. The second vessel has currently began to erect its superstructure as well as placing main machinery into the hulls, both of which you can see in the video below. The third ferry at Metal Shark Boats is currently on the flat jig where its lower hull is being shelled with aluminum plating, and the fourth ferry recently begun construction and is in the first stages of its framework period.




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